7 Unified Methods for Creating User-Friendly Android Apps

Developers these days are designing apps for an audience that has a smaller screen in their hands. Their attention span is shorter than ever too. The UI design of your Android app must work at the speed of thought. It must catch the attention of users just like Spectrum bundle deals. Ideally, you want to create such an app that has a simple design and it doesn’t bore the users at the same time.

These unified methods work wonders when it comes to creating user-friendly apps:

#1: Understand Your Audience

Although this one is pretty obvious, it’s usually skipped by many developers. That’s probably because they are impatience and developing what users want requires a lot of testing before going live.

When you truly understand what your customers want and what kind of experience they are looking for, it gets easier to build a successful product.

#2: Offer a Great Design

A user-friendly app definitely has a great design. The design helps you arrange elements in the app in a way that it accomplishes the purpose.

To create the best possible design, test different situations in which a user might want to use an app and then prepare accordingly. A good option to experiment with is push notifications. Many apps use them the wrong way and it’s probably because people have mixed feelings about them. If you have used push notifications correctly, it can play a huge part in attracting people to use your product.

#3: Make Onboarding Super Easy

Users don’t like apps that ask them to register as the first step of using the app. This creates higher bounce rates. The key is to get rid of all those barriers that might stop a user from using your app. for instance, don’t ask them to enter their personal information or credit card details as a mandatory aspect for using the app. In case your app asks for these details, make sure users like your app already.

#4: Offer the Best Speed

A responsive app is a great app. If it’s too heavy, it will be slow and no user in the present times likes a slow experience. In other words, speed is such a feature that is important as any other. You will have to find the right balance when it comes to building specific elements of the app to provide a fast user experience.

#5: Create a Safe Environment

Since so many apps are out there, it is no surprise that we are hearing about data leaks every other day. If an Android app asks users their credit card details, make sure you create a safe environment. That’s also a part of creating a user-friendly experience. Use reliable payment service providers like Braintree or Stripe.

If you are still not sure about the security of your app, a safe way out is to integrate Google or Facebook login. That means you are outsourcing safeguarded products. An added benefit is that it will welcome more users since theywon’t have to register.  

#6:  Offer Self-Help Content

It’s great that your app has a really intuitive user interface but that’s not enough. There will always be scenarios in which users will have a hard time understanding a feature. It is best to resolve these issues beforehand. Create a guide or video tutorial in the form of self-help. Offer quick access to that help material as well. This will eliminate the need for calling or emailing customer support repeatedly. You as well as your customers will be at ease.

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#7: Listen To Your User

Another great way of creating a user-friendly app is to listen to your customers. Users these days keep on switching screens to use apps. This requires adjusting the layout of your product. Again, this is not enough. You also need to observe user behavior as it is constantly changing. What worked amazingly in the past may not work now.

In such a situation, user feedback can help you stay on track. Keep on reading user comments. Also, encourage them to share feedback. They might come up with suggestions that you can include in the next version of your app. You need to keep yourself posted with the changing customer needs to stay in the game.

Final Words

Let’s say when users search for Spectrum Internet availability, they are actually looking for affordable Internet plans. They want to take advantage of using mobile apps on the go. Perhaps the best way of ensuring you have created a user-friendly app is to use the app yourself. Walk a few miles in the shoes of your users and you will know what to do.

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