How to Make Your Brand Stand Out Through the Holiday Noise

This the season to be jolly, but are you sure your brand is getting heard through all the Christmas carols, jingling bells, and resounding ho-ho-hos?

How do you make sure that your brand voice will ring loud and clear in the hearts and minds of your market? From getting a reputable branding consultancy firm to staying true to your brand identity, there are insightful ways to make your brand roar amidst the clanging chaos of the holidays.

Let them hear the difference

If you want your brand voice to be heard amid all the marketing noise that comes with the holidays, you should stay true to the unique points of differentiation that set your brand and business apart from those of your competitors.

Undeniably, the noise – both aural and visual – is elevated when the holiday season descends on Earth. There are countless brands competing for consumers’ attention, all chattering as loudly as they can, just to get a share of the holiday revenue pie. A rainbow of marketing messages is splattered all over the place. Decibels are rising trying to sell every product, service, or idea. It is literally a marketing wonderland out there.

Whether it is a huge conglomerate launching a global marketing campaign, or a local café coming out with its own holiday perks, consumers are pulled in every direction to listen to the vast and varied offers around them. From mouthwatering restaurant promotions to spectacular theme park deals, the holiday season is also an opportunity for brands to leverage themselves.

If you don’t want your brand to drown in the noise every other brand is making this season, you should consider taking strategic steps towards turning your brand voice volume up. Here are some tips on how to make your brand voice heard through the holiday commotion:

1. Discern your point of differentiation

How are you different from your competitors? More importantly, how are you different from your competitors this season? If you are still unclear on how to answer this question, then please ask for the help of branding experts.

Branding is not merely coming up with a name and a tagline. It is a conscious effort to use research-driven information to create a sound strategy that will make your brand known to your target market.

As always, listen to what your competitors are saying. Look back at what you did the previous holiday seasons, and see what worked and what didn’t. Then combine this information to craft a unique holiday message that will get the attention of your target audience.

With the aid of branding specialists, you can discover the present state of your brand, the market environment, and how you can plan for the holidays. In addition, you can also uncover and explore how your brand is different from other players and use this differentiation to execute bespoke strategies to elevate your business not only for seasonal campaigns but for all seasons.

2. Think of, and think like your customers

A sound brand strategy involves listening to your customers. Your brand message will only fall on deaf ears if you are talking to the wrong set of people. You have to think of who your market is and tailor your messages to them. Your message must be relevant and compelling to your target audience, so they will give you their time of day.

At the same time, think like your customers. How did they react to your previous holiday messages? What items did they favor during the past holidays? Where do they go? What do they do? What interests them when the holidays come? Check the demographics and psychographics of your customers.

Talk their talk, walk their walk and let your holiday message be with them every step of the way.

3. Keep your message fresh

The new year is coming, and with it comes new trends and changes that affect the lives of your target audience. Tailor your messaging to these novelties. You can come up with a totally new message that still carries your brand identities and fulfills your objectives or you can also have a fresh take on your long-standing brand message.

Whatever you decide to do, you have to keep in mind that your holiday message is consistent with your brand identity, coherent with all your branding efforts, and compelling enough to draw a desired action, or reaction from your target crowd.

4. Employ new techniques

We are now living in a world where micro-moments are happening all around us. Have you adapted your branding efforts to keep up with this global phenomenon?

While tried and tested branding methods still work, you also have to open your mind to trying out new tactics and techniques that will attract a new generation. You have to be there with your audience, at different online touchpoints that will give you a window of opportunity to charm them into patronizing your brand.

Work with a branding agency to design digital experiences and online strategies that will hook your audience. Most shoppers will go online to buy gifts, so make sure to optimize your website, make the browsing and buying experience seamless, and ensure that your social media sites are on the pulse and ready to serve.

5. Stay true to your brand identity

Even if we talk about differentiation and trying out new ways to entice target customers, you still have to stay true to your brand identity. Do not forget to speak with your unique brand voice. While the previous points talk about newfangled ways to reach your audience, your message still has to be hinged on your core values and objectives.

You do not want to confuse your audience about who you are as a brand or what you are offering. You may talk to them in a different tone or come out in a visually different way but make sure that you are still who you are deep down. Make sure that they will still recognize the essence of your brand. Again, you have to be consistent with your branding efforts.

A resounding success

It may be daunting to think about how your marketing efforts can cut through the noise of the holidays. However, when you have brand experts there to help guide you with insightful data, you can look forward to a jolly good season for your business.

Banner Image by Igor Link from Pixabay

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Gulfam Siddiki: IT Admin By Profession Blogger By Choice. Connect with Gulfam on Facebook
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