Learn Why Your AC Might Run All The Time

An air conditioner doesn’t have to run all the time. However, it depends on the circumstance. Sometimes the AC might operate more frequently normally especially when it is hotter outside. The warmer temperature outdoors makes the AC work longer to maintain the desired temperature in your home. Having a unit that works longer during these circumstances allows getting the most out of your investment. However, you have to look forward to hearing your unit turning off and on as required.

When to be concerned when the AC works longer

Some indicator might tell that your unit is not working well when it works all the time. An air conditioner that never turns off obviously runs all the time. Perhaps you run the air conditioner the same way every day but your energy bill is skyrocketing. You might as well notice when the air temperature doesn’t change regardless of changes on the thermostat. Noticing these problems is enough to make you call a professional AC technician to inspect your unit for issues.

What causes the AC to run all the time?

Blocked airflow

The air conditioner needs to breathe. Blocked airflow to and from your unit is going to make it struggle to work. This usually makes it run nonstop. A bad motor or dirty and clogged filter might cause restricted airflow. Closed vents and ductwork leaks are other causes of blocked airflow. You can tell this by holding your hand to an open vent. A cool and weak airstream will verify this. Then, turn off the unit and have the air filter replaced by a professional. A thorough inspection is required to ensure all vents are clear. The best thing is to call a professional AC technician to come and rectify the issue.

Unit needs replacement

The air conditioner is not going to grow old with you. A regularly maintained unit can live for only about 15 years before it requires upgrading. You can tell your unit is getting older and inefficient with the frequent AC repair Houston calls. The viable solution is to upgrade your unit to cut on costs. An old AC of about 10 years is more likely to break down always leaking to regular costly repairs. A professional technician will recommend getting a new unit to lessen repair costs.

Poor sizing

Another condition that might make your AC run nonstop is a wrong size. This is a bitter pill to swallow and fixing it requires getting a unit with the appropriate size. A smaller unit is likely to keep running to keep your space cool. This encourages wear and tear leading to regular repairs and shortening the lifespan of the unit.

Perhaps you selected the unit without professional assistance. Choosing the wrong AC size usually happens to people who only focus on getting the latest model. With AC technology improving daily, news models are obviously more efficient than older models. However, selecting the right size is very important. A properly sized unit will limit energy consumption and wear and tear to save you a significant amount.

Dirty evaporator coils

The air conditioner works by allowing refrigerant to run throughout the evaporator coils to absorb heat from the air. This process is smooth when the evaporator coils on your unit are clean. However, dirt and grime buildup on the coils makes heat absorption harder. The dirt and grime layers create a barrier to keep your AC running without cooling any better. A professional annual tune-up of your air conditioner will ensure that the evaporator coils are always clean for your unit to run efficiently.

Refrigerant leakage

This is a blend of various chemicals for the heat exchange process in the air conditioner. Quality refrigerant should easily change from a liquid into a gaseous state. Refrigerant changes from liquid to gas after evaporating and absorbing heat. Change of refrigerant from gas to liquid condenses to release heat. This explains how the AC carries out heat exchange to cool your space.

Not having enough refrigerant in your unit might encourage nonstop running to make up for the difference. Leaks usually encourage refrigerant to run out or to require replenishing. Icy buildup on your air conditioner is a sign to tell a leakage. Your unit is likely to end up not cooling your space appropriately or hissing at you. Never hesitate to call a professional to fix the leak as early as possible.

Final thoughts

An air conditioner is a handy accessory in a home or business environment. It helps to maintain a steady temperature for everyone. Although the AC can run nonstop when the outdoor temperature is higher, it should go off for some time. Using an outdated or poorly sized unit might make it work always leading to a skyrocketing energy bill. A professional AC technician can clean the evaporator coils or guide in choosing the right size of AC to limit your unit from working all the time exposing it to wear and tear.

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Keith Ortiz: Keith is a freelance writer, with years of experience, creating content for varied online portals. His content has been published on many national and international publications. he loves to write about Education, Business and law.
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