How Can I Keep My Teeth Healthy and Strong Naturally?

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Your teeth and smile are one of the greatest assets that you have. They assist in creating a great first impression apart restoring the functionalities of the mouth.

That is why it is imperative that you take good care of your oral health or else soon you will end up with stained, missing or aching teeth and poor gums.

Just brushing, flossing or scraping the tongue and using the mouthwash can do a lot for you. But keep it in mind that even after taking the best care of one’s oral health, the gum disease and the tooth decay are one of the most prevalent problems just after the common cold.

Herein comes the need of natural remedies that can help you retain your oral health when you don’t get access to medications or a dentist.

Here are some natural ways for protecting your teeth and gums and ensure that you are able to smile confidently whenever you want.

Just take a look.

  • Water –

In order to stay hydrated, you must drink at least 8 ounces of water every day. If you are thirsty that indicates that you are dehydrated. Apart from keeping you hydrated, water also helps to wash away the bacteria and the food left in the mouth. Your saliva is formed with water. It neutralises the mouth’s acidity and erodes the enamel of the teeth and weakens the teeth. You should make it a habit to swish your mouth or rinse with water after every meal. This will help to do away with the food bits and speed up the process of remineralisation. You can mix up about half cup filtered water with 2 tea tree oil drops, 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 3 peppermint essential oil drops. Store in the bathroom after shaking well. Use 3 teaspoons of this to swish your mouth for a minute or 2.

  • Neem –

Neem is said to be an Ayurvedic remedy to possess the antibacterial properties. The neem twigs instead of the toothbrush were often used for brushing teeth. You can chew the neem barks, neem twigs and boil the neem leaves for using it as a mouthwash. This will make sure that you have both the healthy teeth and the gums.

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  • Sesame Oil –

This is another Ayurvedic miracle that assists in whitening the teeth in the form of oil pulling. It not just whitens the teeth but also cleanses and detoxifies the body. This inexpensive and simple technique includes rinsing the mouth with oil. Take a spoonful (tablespoon) of sesame oil in your mouth in empty stomach or in the morning and rinse your mouth with it for about 20 minutes. Ensure to cover all areas of the mouth. Then swish water around your mouth after spitting the oil out. You can practise this every morning and you are sure to get sparkling white teeth.

  • Clove –

Though more research is required in this regard, several studies have pointed to the fact that the cloves reduce the probability of inflammation and prevent the plaque. This is because the cloves have antioxidant and antiviral properties. They may also assist in relieving pain. To apply the cloves you should –

  1. Grind cloves (about 1 teaspoon)
  2. Then dip a damp cotton ball in the grinded cloves absorbing as much as you can into the ball
  3. Gently rub the cotton ball covered with cloves onto the gums after that
  4. Let the cloves sit on the gums for a few minutes
  5. Rinse your mouth with water for collecting all the cloves
  6. Spit out the clove water

You must not use cloves in the large quantities for a prolonged period of time.

  • Tulsi –

The leaves of the tulsi plant are enriched with amazing medicinal properties and one of the significant ingredients of tulsi is an adaptogen, a substance that assists the body to be adapted to stress. Chew a handful of tulsi leaves along with some water about 3-4 times per day. This will make the mouth ulcers disappear faster. Not only that, this will also prevent it to recur.

The above are some of the home remedies that you can use for the betterment of your overall oral health. If these don’t work, you should consult with a top-notch dentist in Greenpoint without delay as these measures may not work when the condition is severe and calls for immediate professional health.

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Gulfam Siddiki: IT Admin By Profession Blogger By Choice. Connect with Gulfam on Facebook
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